Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another Local History Lesson

Whenever we get to the beginning of May I remember one of those significant emotional events that stamps your psyche. On May 6, 1965, 6 F4 and F5 tornadoes shredded the Western and Northern Suburbs of Minneapolis. I was 6 years old and living in Minnetonka at the time. I remember seeing a tornado go down highway looked like a huge piece of black vacuum hose. 14 people were killed, hundreds severly injured. Above is the map of the paths of the tornadoes...they were on the ground the whole time. The other photo is a trashed Fridley neighborhood.

If you live in the Twin Cities, everytime there is a weather emergency, you tune to WCCO radio. The audio from that night can be found by clicking here.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


On friday I had lunch with my friend and counter - part, Paul Gertsen. Paul is actually what they call the Plains States Trustee (including Minnesota, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and I'm sure other states that I can't remember) for the National Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors. This group is truly doing God's work, watching out for the interests of the families of our fallen comrades. We compared notes, and are planning on some joint projects.

I hope that none of you reading this ever have your family needing the services of COPS, but we should all take comfort in the fact that they are there, and willing to step in when needed.

Friday, April 24, 2009

More Funny stuff

I've seen this before - I think it's either Canadian or British..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The seat that I hold is just that - the seat that I hold. It doesn't belong to me, or anyone else. Before I held it, Fred Anderson and Tom Schuveiller held it. After I'm gone, someone else will hold it. Please be clear that I understand that, and that I do understand that the seat does not belong to me (regardless of how long I've held it), it belongs to the membership of Minnesota.
You have honored me by electing me to this seat five times - I ask that you return me a sixth time.
There are things that I would like to get started on, as well as unfinished business. I look forward to discussing these things with all who are in Grand Rapids for the State Conference, and welcome any suggestions or discussions with you who aren't going - I can be reached at or 612.581.4747.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More Funnies

This is from Brother Marichalar. He told me that the uniforms look like those of the Minnetonka P.D. I told him that we could simply dye them maroon and make them MSP issue....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Scott Guscette part II

Okay, here's something for your amusement - this is a picture of our own State President...every year he's our association's Santa. This picture is appropriate for this entry.

Trooper Al gave me a Christmas list. It was fairly modest - toys, video games, dvd's and such, but he suggested just picking a few items. Gary Cayo and I were both in investigations at the time. I walked into his office and put the handwritten list on his desk. He looked it over, and then I asked if he was thinking the same thing I was. His reply was : get everything?. We nodded - a decision was made.

A couple of evenings later I told my stepdaughter (then age 14) and stepson (then age 11) what was going on. For the price of a pizza dinner and a couple of bags of microwave popcorn, they offered to help. We went to Target, came home and wrapped everything.

The next day Gary and I headed to Belle Plain. We made a brief stop at a spa - Scott's wife didn't list anything for herself, so we got her a gift certificate for an afternoon at the spa. We pulled up to the Guscette residence. Sitting in the driveway was Scott's squad. I couldn't help but think that one evening Scott came home not feeling well, parked that squad, and probably thought that he should go see the doctor the next day. He had no idea that it would be the last time he would drive it.

Gary and I walked in and met the family. In the living room was Scott in a hospital bed. I walked up to him, and we shook hands. He looked me straight in the eye and simply said "thank you". After delivering the gifts, Gary and I headed back. Our drive was kind of quiet.

When you do something like this, it's not about what you did. It's about what was done for someone else. It was an honor and a privilege. I know that anyone reading this, given the same opportunity, would do the same thing - maybe more. That's why I'm proud to be a member of this organization.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pittsburgh Shooting

I have to tell you, I am getting real tired of having to do these postings were multiple officers are killed on the same call. Three Pittsburgh Officers, Brothers of Fort Pitt Lodge #1 (The mother lodge of the entire FOP) are dead.
The story is linked here .
I have sent a message to the Pennsylvannia Trustee offering condolences and any assitance that they might need.
As it says in our ritual, may their souls, and the souls of all of our departed brothers and sisters rest in peace.

Scott Guscette

In September of 2001 I received a phone call from a West Metro State Trooper - Al Thompson. Al told me about one of his fellow troopers that lived in Belle Plain - Scott Guscette. Scott had a young family, and he had come down with cancer. Al had heard about our Lodge #6 spaghetti dinner, and was wondering if we could help him out with a fundraiser for Scott and the family. Neither Scott or Al were FOP members, but helping other cops with a fundraiser seemed to me to be the right thing to do.

I secured the Minnetonka Community Center for free. I had lots of contact with Al, making suggestions on how to set things up.

When the date was set in December, I had a family trip planned, so I would not be available to be there that night. Bruce Anderson and Gary Cayo offered to be there that night to help out, if necessary. Well, it was REAL necessary. Tour buses with the entire populations of towns showed up. I do not recall how much Al and crew made, but I know that it was a lot.

After the event, Al called to thank us for the help. I asked if there was anything else the FOP could do. It being close to Christmas, he did mention that money was still tight for the family, and no one - either with the family or in his group - had time to Christmas shop. I asked him to send us a list. More in part II.